Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Interplanetary 2016 Table Dump

Like last year I found the time to take pictures of all the tables at the Interplanetary before the tournament started.

There was an excellent selection of scenery on show and the all-card tables from last year were noticeably absent. Several tables had special terrain rules including woodland (cover or saturation and difficult terrain) and mountainous/aquatic areas (difficult terrain) but there didn't appear to be any very difficult terrain.

Generally there was a good mix of terrain density, although some of the tables definitely look a bit too 'even' which reduced the value of picking deployment zones. There were a couple that seemed a little lacking in scatter, but nothing outrageous.

The tables are all presented in numerical order (from 1-50) and there are two pictures of each table, one from the front and one from the right side.

WARNING: This post contains a lot of large images - mobile users beware.

There was also some life-size beautiful scenery in Vigo!


  1. Wow, amazing graphic document! There is some serious eye candy here, some of those boards are truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hopefully it's helpful for people who are trying to work out how to set up their own tables. There really are some beautiful ones in there!

  2. So much inspiration, thanks for sharing. :)

    1. You are welcome, I have to say that it was quite a treat to see them all in person!

  3. Thanks for taking and sharing all tables from the Interplanetary.
