My local Infinity group has been asking for me to organise a league for some time now but I've been putting it off because I'm not keen keen on the 'official' format and the ITS-lite style missions I used last time weren't as well received as I would have hoped. So I've decided to throw something together that's a little bit different.
I really want to take this opportunity to use some uncommon rules and asymmetric scenarios of the kind not really suitable for tournament play. I've got a rough idea for a story that will unfold depending on the outcome of the previous missions (decided by the most common result reported by those taking part) and a vague plan for how the missions will work mechanically.
The first part of this league and the basic rules are below and I'll hopefully release a new part every two to three weeks.
Malamir Khan is a high-profile PanOceanian ambassador currently visiting New Shanghai on the world of YuTang to discuss the defection and detainment of an Imperial Service agent turned info-hacker known only as 'Snowfall' who is currently residing in the PanOceanian embassy.
Amelia Khan, his daughter who is probably better known by her stage name 'Lady Bay', is a P-pop sensation who is known for giving concerts in any cities her father is visiting at the time.
This time she's playing a small, but packed, gig at a bar called The Sandbox. Normally these events proceed without incident but this time an anonymous tip has led to her private security being bolstered just in case...
Image property of Corvus Belli. |