Friday, 4 March 2016

Story League: Episode 2!

Welcome back to the Infinity story league!

It's been fantastic having people taking part, seeing all your tables and reading the reports. I couldn't be happier with the interest that has been shown in it. Results are still coming in but overall it is clear that a Defender Major Victory is the most common result.

Amelia's security detail successfully fought off her mysterious kidnappers and managed to extract information form one of the assailants as well.

The national media reported it as a terrorist attack. Nobody stepped forward to take responsibility for the act but the Yu Jing state was quick to point fingers at some of the more infamous nationalist groups.

The Yu Jing and PanOceanian governments issued a joint statement condemning the assault on the Sandbox the previous night and they promised full co-operation with each other in order to ensure that nothing like it would happen again.

Yeah, I don't believe that either.

PanOceanian security storm the nightclub as shots are fired by the mysterious kidnappers.

Mission 02 - Assassination

Choose one player to be the Attacker and one to be the Defender. This should be pre-agreed as the two sides have different list-building constraints.

Attacker Briefing:

Due to our failure in capturing Amelia Khan we don't have the leverage we need to negotiate for the transfer of Snowfall into our custody. It's time for Plan B. He cannot be allowed to leave YuTang alive.

Our contact in the PanOceanian embassy has informed us that Snowfall is being moved as part of a convoy to the New Shanghai space-port where he will be shuttled off-world. Your mission is to intercept the convoy and kill Snowfall. 

If we can also kill the Ambassadors brat, and make it look like another terror attack, then that would be beneficial. Avoid civilian deaths however as the attack must appear directed against the PanOceanian forces only. Violence directed against the Yu Jing state will likely cause problems with the media at this sensitive time.

This may be our last chance, so don't screw it up.

Attacker Forces:
200 points, chosen as normal.

Attacker Deployment:
The Attacker deploys second.

Models with Infiltration, Impersonation and Mechanised Deployment may be deployed anywhere outside the Defender's deployment zone without needing to make any kind of roll. For the purposes of Inferior Infiltration, anywhere outside of the player's DZ counts as the opponent's side of the table.

In addition, models with the Impersonation skill may deploy within the Defender's deployment zone by making a WIP roll as normal.

Amelia, Snowfall and their security forces disembark from their transport.

Defender Briefing:

Snowfall's asylum claim has been upheld by an emergency session of the PanOceanian High Court. The Government is keen to get him off-world and debriefed as soon as possible so an escort has been arranged to transfer him to the nearest space-port. Amelia Khan will also be travelling with the group as, understandably, she wants to get off of YuTang as quickly as possible after her ordeal.

Due to the intelligence we extracted from the Cube of one of the assailants we are expecting an attack and so have issued a pair of Cybermask Beacons to the convoy. If under threat then activate the beacons, hide among the civilians and hunker down until help can arrive.

Make sure they get out of here safely, Lieutenant. 

Defender Forces:
150 points, chosen as normal.

In addition the Defender must include Snowfall and Amelia Khan in their list at no extra cost.

Amelia and Snowfall have the same stats, skills and equipment as a War Correspondent except with ARM 3. They each generate an Irregular order and take up space in Combat Groups as if they were part of the Defender's army in all respects.

Defender Deployment:
The Defender deploys first.

Amelia and Snowfall may not be deployed within or on top of scenery structures at the beginning of the game, although they may move freely once the game has begun.

Models with Infiltration, Impersonation and Mechanised Deployment may be deployed anywhere outside the Attacker's deployment zone without needing to make any kind of roll. For the purposes of Inferior Infiltration, anywhere outside of the player's DZ counts as the opponent's side of the table.

In addition, models with the Impersonation skill may deploy within the Attacker's deployment zone by making a WIP roll as normal.

The Defenders disperse and hide among the crowds.

Table Set-up and Rules:

The Defenders deployment zone is a 16" square in the centre of the table (marked in blue below).

The Attackers deployment zone is 6" deep around every table edge (marked in red below)

There are two Cybermask Beacons at the top and bottom edge of the Defender's deployment zone (marked as green circles below).

Assassination setup guide.

Game Duration:
This scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round. After this time it is assumed that Defender's reinforcements arrive and the Attackers are evacuated.

Special Rules:
The Defender deploys first and takes the first turn.

The Retreat! rules are ignored during the game.

The use of Command Tokens is not permitted.

Cybermask Beacons:
Each non-Remote/AI Beacon Trooper with Silhouette Size 2 in the Defenders army, including Snowfall and Amelia Khan, has access to the Cybermask Hacking Program. Note that they do not count as having a Hacking Device in any other way and are not considered to be Hackable.

All such troopers may begin the game in the game in the Impersonation-2 state if they wish.

The benefits of the Impersonation-2 state do not stack with any other NFB (Negative Feedback) skill and so cannot be made use of in the same Order as skills such as ODD, Holoprojector or Camouflage.

Note: Models with the Impetuous or Very Impetuous characteristics will be revealed at the very beginning of the first turn as their Impetuous-2 state is automatically cancelled.

The Cybermask Beacons have a Scenery Item Profile so they can be targeted applying the Scenery Structure rules. However they can be damaged by Fire and Monofilament ammunition in addition to any weapons with the Anti-Materiel trait.

Destroying either one of the Cybermask Beacons denies the further use of the Cybermask skill to the Defender's army. Existing models in the Impersonation-2 State remain as they are however,

Destroying both Cybermask Beacons cancels the Impersonation-2 state on all models in the Defender's army.

Things are looking bleak for Snowfall!

Victory Conditions

Attacker Major Victory - Amelia and Snowfall are both dead.

Attacker Minor Victory - Snowfall is dead, Amelia is alive.

Defender Minor Victory - Snowfall is alive, Amelia is dead.

Defender Major Victory - Amelia and Snowfall are both alive.

Contact Details
If you have any results, questions, concerns or feedback then contact me by replying to this post, via email ( or sending a message through the Infinity in Bristol and Bath Facebook page.

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